The line created by Dr. Mara Besacchi and Dr. Pier Venturato, professional trainers for decades in the field of male and female body building fitness.vnt line of sports supplements of maximum quality made in Italy

The line created by Dr. Mara Besacchi and Dr. Pier Venturato, professional trainers for decades in the male and female body building fitness field. He was a multiple professional bodybuilding champion at the top of the world for all the 80's, subsequently chiropractor, osteopath, naturopath and supplementation expert; She is a veterinarian, naturopath, fitness technician, expert in acid-base balances as well as multiple amateur fitness world champion and multiple Italian powerlifting champion with respective records. Together they create a line of food supplements of the highest quality for the purity of the raw materials and for the synergy of the active ingredients included in the formulations. Attentive to every detail and fitness experts they are able to develop effective products, pure and free of substances that a in the long run they can be harmful or even just inert.line of sports and wellness supplements made in Italy with high quality. The creators are Mara Besacchi and Pier Venturato, fitness technicians and world athletes

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